This Tuesday, March 9th, the kind folks at DOVE Chocolate and iVillage have invited me to "An Afternoon of Indulgent Moments" at Chelsea Market (a place I ADORE and will be posting about in the future...) There will be DOVE chocolate & Gallo Wine pairings, decadent treats, beauty treatments and more.
Truth be told, they had me at "choc" - finishing the sentence wasn't even necessary. And here's the best part of all: you're invited, too! Just tell the gal/guy at the door that you're a guest of BABY MEETS CITY, and an afternoon of decadence awaits. In the spirit of full disclosure, I will mention a potential added bonus for me... the blogger with the most guests receives a restaurant gift certificate to Del Posto. Wow. Talk about decadent.
Click on the attached photo for all the details. Not that I want Nanny A drinking on the job, but I think I'll ask if she and Baby S can meet me at the event, as we live nearby. That may be the biggest treat of all. See you then!
After re-reading this, I noticed I wrote "decadent/decadence" three times. Good grief. Clearly I am excited about this event...
Ohhh Dove chocolates and wine. Yum. Husband and I are leaving for a wine tasting this weekend (well several actually...) hope they have chocolate too!
Thanks for following! Have a good weekend!
That sounds lovely. I now wished I live in NYC just so I could go to stuff like this. Let us know how it goes!
Visiting from SITS
Lots to be excited about chocolate and prize potential- i wished i lived close enough to stroll on over....
I love that dark chocolate is actually good for you- in moderation of course. I have just moved from LA to Montana so I am living the opposite life of you. Coming by from SITS. Welcome.
Mmm...chocolate... Ugh, stupid diet! I'm going to have to find a way to incorporate chocolate into my healthy eating regime!
Stopping by to say hello from SITS :)
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