Ten + years later, with various jobs & experiences under my belt, I'm still living my dream of Small Town Girl in The Big Apple. I will say that in the dream my apartment was a lot bigger. Ultimately, though, that's neither here nor there. I may wince at trash on the street or mutter about lack of kitchen space, but I continue to have *I love New York* moments on an almost daily basis, and for that I'm immensely grateful.
Joining me in this urban adventure are Husband -- a lucky man, let me tell you -- and our two little gals, Toddler S and Baby Sister, who are sweet and adorable and perfect, even when they're crying (well, maybe not quite in that particular moment...) But like any parent will tell you, we honestly don't remember what life was like before they came along. I began blogging about a month before my first daughter was born (October 2009), and I am thankful for the creative outlet this little piece of the Internet provides. I write about navigating this city with children in tow (still learning!), NYC kid-related happenings, store/restaurant/product reviews & general musings on Motherhood (you'll all agree it deserves a capital "M", no?)
Check out Big Apple Books and you'll find me reviewing children's literature based in NYC. The goal is to review every book (the famous & the undiscovered) that's set within the 5 boroughs. If you have a suggestion of a book you'd like featured, please send me a note.
You can also find me contributing to TimeOut Kids, Mommybites and offering my 2 cents as a panelist on Momversation.
A few of my favorite posts:
A Blog Prologue
Daddy Day Care
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