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a mini getaway

DISCLAIMER: I understand that I won't be garnering any sympathy with this admission, and yet I must put it out there: I am still pooped from this past weekend.  I mean, seriously dragging.  What was I doing?  Oh, floating around in a pool, basking in the sun, drinking fruity beverages and gossiping with my group of friends from college. 

See what I mean about no sympathy?  It's okay, I get it. 

While the idea of a mini-break from the Big Apple and catching up with friends was a close to perfect thought, it also meant that I was abandoning leaving Baby S for two days, my first time away from her.  I felt conflicted about my decision for weeks beforehand, even though I knew she would be perfectly fine without me.  My inner guilt as a working mother came out in full force - what, you only see your child for 3 hours a day and you're leaving her for the weekend, too?!  It's really a treat having those types of questions floating through your head all day.  Sigh.

Ultimately, though, I knew it was a good thing to get away for a little bit -- to have a little me time -- and reconnect with the person I was before I became someone's mother.  Plus it was lots of fun.  Laughter, fresh air and an (almost) full moon are good for the soul.  Not to mention a peach daiquiri.  Or two or three.

And, as I already knew, Baby S did just fine without me.  Sure, she woke up at the crack of dawn both days, refused to nap and passed her cold on to Husband, but who's counting.  Mmmm... actually I think maybe him. 

What's that they say?  Timing is everything... 


Lindsay Wells said...

I had such a great time!!! We mommies need some "me" time every now and then. Just drink through the guilt! :)

Doreen Lombardo said...

No need for guilt. It's pointless. You know you are a good mom. You know you love your child. It's best for her and for you that you get away sometimes. She's having a ball too. What child doesn't love alone time with just daddy or just mommy at times? Guild is a waste of time. Don't bog yourself down with it. I was a single mom who worked full time always, by choice, and then chose to go back to school. I never felt guilty because it wasted time IMO. Instead, I realized working and going to school was not only a benefit to me, but also to them, in so many ways. I made time for my kids and no one suffered for it. Enjoy your getaways, you deserve it, and so does she!

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