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a new conversation

Some fun news... I'm very excited to be a new contributor on Momversation!  In their own words, Momversation "takes the pulse of women on the web."  All panelists are moms themselves, and each video shares their thoughts and personal stories on any manner of subjects, from "Would You Let Your Kids Into Showbiz?" to "Bullycide: How Can We Keep Our Children Safe?"  I am truly excited to be in the company of some amazing blogging superstars like Rebecca Woolf and Alice Bradley (to name a few... you can find the full list of truly awesome peeps here).

Recently, Momversation decided to expand to newbie moms like myself with New Momversation.  Click below to see me discussing the biggest challenges of life with a newborn (AGH!) along with Jill Samonian of The Fab Mom and Stacee Bucciarelli of Medieval Mom.

Oh, and ignore the bad lighting and lack of enough makeup.  What can I say, I'm a newbie.


Sonja said...

I think it's a mahvelous interview!

Barbie // Fringe and Feathers said...

Fantastic news, Ellen! Love momversation and nice to see this new addition to their coverage.

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

How fabulous!! Just saw you there!! Great job! xx

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